I do believe there is another possible notification issue.  I've seen this 
pattern in the jdk code.  I believe a thread which is waiting can get 
interrupted at about the same time that it is notified.  if the 
InterruptedException is just thrown, that notification will be lost.  If you 
look in some of the jdk code, they have essentially:

  | synchronized(obj) {
  |   try {
  |     obj.wait();
  |   } catch(InterruptedException e) {
  |     obj.notify();
  |     throw e;
  |   }
  | }

This way an interrupted thread will not cause a notification to be lost.  
obviously, you can generate spurious notifications, so your code needs to 
handle that as well.  but generally, extra notifications is better than lost 

To bring it back to the referenced code:
(1) SocketServerInvoker could be doing the clientpool.wait()
(2) ServerThread sends a notification
(3) SocketServerInvoker gets interrupted and notified and bails out, swallowing 
the notification

I'm not sure what scenarios might cause the SocketServerInvoker to be 
interrupted, but certainly system stress might do it.

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