"sparklehorse" wrote : "kukeltje" wrote : Remaining question: did you upgrade 
from a 3.1 version:
  |   | 
  |   | http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPM-854?
  |   | 
  |   | Or use mysql 5.0?
  |   | 
  |   | debugging the decisioncode requires adding a debug statement in the 
source to see what gets evaluated.
  | no upgrade, just fresh install of all the stuff
  | but i'm using mysql 5.0
  | i've also tried to change, even if i don't see any error,
  | every bit(1) in the mysql schema to tinyint(1)
  | ...same result
  | i will try the unit test you suggest and let you know
  | thanks

i've tried some test suite and they don't work with conditions

i've upgraded to 3.2.1 and now condition works

I think this two patches are important

# [JBPM-853] - Attribute 'expression' not taken from Condition element
# [JBPM-854] - Condition in transition not retrieved from database 


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