If I understand correctly, jBPM was developed for : 

1) Defining navigation and pageflows 

2) Providing support for business process context, which is wider than session 
context. This way componens can be persisted across multiple users/sessions. 
Also, tasks can be logically assigned to users. 

For first task, in my case, JSF navigation rules is pretty enough and I don't 
need jBPM. 

Second, cross-user context and assignments - yes, could be convenient for order 
management. In my application, order passes through multiple states and is 
being processed by multiple executives. I guess this is the classic case of 
jBPM practice. 
But I afraid I don't understand the whole power of jBPM here comparing to 
oldschool approach. Order and it's status is being persisted in database,  
anyway. Executives can see only orders with states corresponding to their 
responsibilities, it is easy to program. Can jBPM simplify this job and/or 
encapsulate any functionality which requires lots of manual coding ? Or do I 
miss yet another important aspects of jBPM usage ? 

Thank you. 

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