i'm here again because i'm stuck in my deployment of the jbpm console.

In fact the deployment is ok but when trying to access, i got this error Error 
Apparently i dont understand how authentication works on jbpm. I find this 
topic on dev2dev 
http://forums.bea.com/bea/message.jspa?messageID=400011356&tstart=0 but thats 
not really my problem (i think i will have to do that but after my current 
problem is solved).

During deployment i have this error "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet" but i dont know if it is related to my problem 
of forbidden access.

During deployment i also have those pointers : 

<9 juil. 2007 10 h 43 CEST>   <BEA-101248> <[Application: 'C:\bea
\user_projects\domains\mydomain\myserver\upload', Module: 'jbpm-console']: Deplo
yment descriptor "web.xml" is malformed. Check against the DTD: org.xml.sax.SAXP
arseException: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'web-app'. (lin
e 2, column 10).>
<9 juil. 2007 10 h 43 CEST>   <BEA-101180> <The auth-constraint r
eferences security-role: user, which is not defined in web.xml.>
<9 juil. 2007 10 h 43 CEST>   <BEA-101248> <[Application: 'C:\bea
\user_projects\domains\mydomain\myserver\upload', Module: 'jbpm-console']: Deplo
yment descriptor "weblogic.xml" is malformed. Check against the DTD: org.xml.sax
.SAXParseException: Element type "security-domain" must be declared. (line 19, c
olumn 18).>
<9 juil. 2007 10 h 43 CEST>   <BEA-101248> <[Application: 'C:\bea
\user_projects\domains\mydomain\myserver\upload', Module: 'jbpm-console']: Deplo
yment descriptor "weblogic.xml" is malformed. Check against the DTD: org.xml.sax
.SAXParseException: The content of element type "weblogic-web-app" must match "(
y?,servlet-descriptor*,init-as*,destroy-as*)". (line 20, column 20).>
<9 juil. 2007 10 h 43 CEST>   <BEA-101304> <Webapp: ServletContex
t(id=12164356,name=jbpm-console,context-path=/jbpm-console), the role: admin def
ined in web.xml has not been mapped to principals in security-role-assignment in
 weblogic.xml. Will use the rolename itself as the principal-name.>

I think that the answer to my problems is here but i cant find it.

Please someone help me understand all this.

Best toughts,


P.S. if you need to see some configuration files or want more informations feel 
free to ask.

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