Hi all i have the following scenario - page for creating a new project that has 
a few input fields for project info and data table with components related to 
that project. Here is the page code:

  |                 <table>
  |                     <tr>
  |                         <td colspan="3">
  |                             <h:messages layout="table" globalOnly="true" 
styleClass="message" id="globalMessages" />
  |                         </td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                     <tr>
  |                         <td>
  |                             #{projMsg.name}:
  |                         </td>
  |                         <td>
  |                             <h:inputText id="prj_name" 
value="#{project.name}" required="true"> </h:inputText>
  |                         </td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                     <tr>
  |                         <td colspan="2" align="center">
  |                             <h:message styleClass="errorMessage" 
for="prj_name"  />
  |                         </td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                     <tr>
  |                         <td>
  |                             #{projMsg.url}:
  |                         </td>
  |                         <td>
  |                             <h:inputText id="prj_url" 
value="#{project.url}"> </h:inputText>
  |                         </td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                     <tr>
  |                         <td>
  |                             #{projMsg.description}
  |                         </td>
  |                         <td>
  |                             <h:inputTextarea rows="4" cols="20" 
id="prj_desc" value="#{project.description}" />
  |                         </td>
  |                         <td>
  |                             <h:message for="prj_desc"  />
  |                         </td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                     <tr>
  |                         <td>
  |                         </td>
  |                         <td>
  |                             <h:commandButton value="#{otherMsg.create}" 
action="#{projectAction.createProject}" />
  |                         </td>
  |                         <td>
  |                         </td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                     <tr>
  |                         <td colspan="2">
  |                             <rich:dataTable 
value="#{project.componentCollection}" var="comp">
  |                                 <f:facet name="header">
  |                                     <rich:columnGroup>
  |                                         <rich:column colspan="2">
  |                                             #{projMsg.components}
  |                                         </rich:column>
  |                                     </rich:columnGroup>
  |                                 </f:facet>
  |                                 <rich:column>
  |                                     #{comp.name}
  |                                 </rich:column>
  |                                 <rich:column>
  |                                     #{fn:length(comp.name)}
  |                                 </rich:column>
  |                                 <f:facet name="footer">
  |                                     <rich:columnGroup>
  |                                         <rich:column>
  |                                             <h:inputText 
  |                                         </rich:column>
  |                                         <rich:column>
  |                                             <h:commandButton 
action="#{projectAction.addComponent}" value="Add" />
  |                                         </rich:column>
  |                                     </rich:columnGroup>
  |                                 </f:facet>
  |                             </rich:dataTable>
  |                         </td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                 </table>
  |             </h:form>

Here is the code of the backing bean:

  | @Stateful
  | @Name("projectAction")
  | public class ProjectActionBean implements 
com.amitev.bts.ejb.ProjectActionLocal {
  |     @PersistenceContext 
  |     EntityManager em;
  |     @In
  |     private User user;
  |     @In @Out
  |     private Project project;
  |     @In @Out
  |     private Component component;
  |     @In
  |     private FacesMessages facesMessages;
  |     @Restrict("#{identity.loggedIn}")
  |     public String createProject() {
  |         List results = em.createQuery("from Project pr where pr.name = 
  |         if ( results.size()==0 ) {
  |             project.setOwnerId(user);
  |             em.persist(project);
  |         } else {
  |         }
  |         return null;
  |     }
  |     @Restrict("#{identity.loggedIn}")
  |     public void addComponent() {
  |         String componentName = component.getName().trim().toLowerCase();
  |         boolean contains = false;
  |         System.out.println(project.getComponentCollection().size());
  |         for (Component comp: project.getComponentCollection()) {
  |             System.out.println(comp.getName());
  |             if (componentName.equalsIgnoreCase(comp.getName())) {
  |                 contains = true;
  |             }
  |         }
  |         if (!contains) {
  |             project.getComponentCollection().add(component);
  |             component = new Component();
  |         }
  |     }
  |     @Destroy @Remove
  |     public void destroy() {}
  | }

When i add a component the page is redisplayed and the component is shown in 
the data table. But when i try to add a new component and press the back button 
i see that the component collection is empty (probably new  Project instance is 
injected). What's the best way to solve this problem with seam?

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