My problem is the following. I have installed JBoss in a computer outside of my 
network and I wanted to connect from my computer. I've done the next. 

Firstly, I opened the ports 1098,1099 and 4444 in the NAT of the router in the 
server's network. By doing that the server didn't work.

Then, I tried to found a solution, I saw an article in which it is said that I 
have to add -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=IP 
-Djava.rmi.server.useLocalHostname=false as arguments to the run file so that 
JBoss take the right  data to connect. Well, by doing that after some work I 
get JBoss working. But In this step two problems appear.

1. By adding this arguments to the JBoss startup script it is imposible to 
enter from the network where the server is.
2. The external IP of the network where the server is, is configured to be 
dynamic. So I have to change the script every time the IP change. I don't want 
to do that. Finding the way to get the server working well without worrying 
about the IP changing I have created a Dynamic DNS to have an easy way to 
connect to the server. But changing the argument -Djava.rmi.server.hostname to 
the Dyn DNS entry it doesn't work.

I would like to receive an answer quickly because it's urgent to me. In short, 
my questions are:
How to make the server allow to connect from inside and outside the network?
How to make the server identify mi Dyn DNS entry?

Thank you for all.

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