We have an online application build around seam, POJOs and hibernate.
Our business seam components ("managers" + "model" classes) are isolated into a 
separate jar file (common.jar), the "view controler" seam components (aka 
"backing beans") are directly held into the war module, the war module calling 
the classes into the common.jar module.

We have the need for batch processes, ie processesthat will run outside any 
web/jee container, with a standard j2se jdk, from a plain java class, possibly 
running for hours. Those processes will use the seam common components from the 
common.jar file.
The high level algorithm is :

  | - bootstrap the seam engine
  | - for each business item to process (maybe tens of thousand or more...):
  |   - begin transaction
  |   - do some business stuff that update the database
  |   - commit
  | - shutdown the seam engine
What is the best way to do that with seam? Is it possible to do this without 
instanciating or faking a web container?, ie without having in the batch 
classpath, jars like "servlet.jar" eand "j2ee.jar"? or something like the jboss 
embedded container?

We looked at the  SeamTest class as the "bootstrap" class, but SeamTest depends 
on javax.faces.*, javax.servlet.* and org.testng.* classes and is fully 
designed to test online components...
Or maybe the jboss embedded container is the way to go?
Thx for your guidance here.

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