Not sure whether it's a bug, or just me, but it doesn't look like the refresh() 
method is doing anything for me - the result list is stale and never refreshes, 
until I start a new coversation...

I have a simple CRUD screen where the edit form is combined with the record 
<h:form id="listForm" styleClass="form">
  |     <ui:repeat var="transaction" value="#{userTransactions.resultList}">
  |             <h:commandLink 
value="#{transaction.account.accountNumber} " />
  |     </ui:repeat>
  |     <h:commandButton action="#{transactionController.create}" value="Add 
New" />
  | </h:form>
  | <h:form id="rowForm" styleClass="form" rendered="#{not empty 
  | <!-- form fields go here -->
  |     <h:commandButton action="#{}" value="Save" />
  |     <h:commandButton action="#{transactionController.remove}" 
value="Remove" immediate="true" rendered="#{not}" />
  |     <h:commandButton action="#{transactionController.cancel}" value="Close" 
immediate="true" />
  | </h:form>
The query for record listing is an EntityQuery defined in components.xml:
<framework:entity-query name="userTransactions" scope="conversation" 
order="transactionDate, securityName">
  |     <framework:ejbql>
  |             FROM Transaction
  |             WHERE user = #{principal}
  |     </framework:ejbql>
  | </framework:entity-query>
and the controller code has the EntityQuery injected, and refreshes the list as 
@Name ("transactionController")
  | @Scope (ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | public class TransactionController extends BaseController {
  |     @Out (required = false)
  |     private Transaction selectedTransaction;
  |     @Inprivate EntityQuery userTransactions;
  |     public void cancel() {
  |             selectedTransaction = null;
  |     }
  |     public void create() {
  |             selectedTransaction = new Transaction();
  |     }
  |     @Transactional
  |     public void remove() {
  |             em.remove(selectedTransaction);
  |             em.flush();
  |             selectedTransaction = null;userTransactions.refresh();
  |     }
  |     @Transactional
  |     public void save() {
  |             em.persist(selectedTransaction);
  |             em.flush();
  |             selectedTransaction = null;userTransactions.refresh();
  |     }
  |     public void select(Transaction transaction) {
  |             selectedTransaction = transaction;
  |     }
  | }
The whole thing runs in a long conversation, started when the page is entered:
<page view-id="/attestation/transactions.xhtml">
  |     <begin-conversation flush-mode="manual" join="true" />
  | </page>

Now, any time a new record is inserted, or an old one removed, the list should 
refresh, shouldn't it? It doesn't, and I'm running out of any ideas on to why 
would this happen... Help, anyone?



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