We need to setup a cluster of JBoss servers.  Our application is 
Java5+Spring+Hibernate using ehcache as the Hibernate 2nd level cache.  Right 
now the JBoss cluster is working correctly, hot-deploy across the cluster works 
great, and ehcache is clustered using their RMI-based listener/provider.  We 
have ordered an evaluation unit hardware loadbalancer to test internally to put 
in front of the JBoss cluster.

I know very little about this in general and have 2 questions.  Any thoughts on 
either would be greatly appreciated.

[1] Are there strong reasons we should switch to the JBoss TreeCache over 
ehcache now that we are running a JBoss Cluster?

[2] It seems there are 2 approaches to handling sessions.  We can have the load 
balancer operate at layer 4 and have the JBoss Cluster replicate sessions or we 
can have the load balancer maintain cookie-based sticky sessions and disable 
the session replication in JBoss.  Are there advantages I need to know about 
with one or the other approach?  It seems that though you lose some failover 
ability by letting the loadbalancer maintain sticky sessions that you then 
avoid session replication chatter between JBoss nodes.  In my unqualified 
opinion it would appear this chatter would become pretty substantial if the 
cluster became large.  Though it won't be an issue for awhile, having the load 
balancer operate on cookies does mean the equipment can handle far fewer 
concurrent and new connections.

My apologies if this has been answered - was unable to turn up any content 
with searches.  If there is a misunderstanding on my part of how something 
works please correct me.

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