Hi Lads and Ladettes

i have a UI page that shows all the tasks for people that are in the 
"processor" role.

I use the following in my process definition to assign the task to the role

<task name="pr_process_cr" description="#{crId}">
  |    <assignment pooled-actors="processor"/>
  |   </task>

the following to display the list

  <h:dataTable value="#{pooledTaskInstanceList}" var="task">
  |                       <h:column>
  |              <h:commandLink 
  |                <h:commandButton value="view change Request 
  |                <f:param name="taskId" value="#{task.id}"/>
  |              </h:commandLink>
  |            </h:column>                
  |          </h:dataTable>

I cant see a way of filtering the pooledTaskInstanceList to a specic role/actor 
pool. i only want the list to contain tasks for "processors" because my UI page 
is only concerned with task for that group, and to also show tasks for 
"Approvers" which is a possiblilty because a user can have many roles.

Many thanks for any comments.

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