Hi all, 

I am using JBoss 4.0.5 GA and myEclipse 5.1.1 GA to do a web project with EJB 
for database manipulation.

I created a stateless session bean which is invoked in doGet method of a 
servlet.  I tried to add CMP entity bean lookup method in a business method of 
this session bean.  It ends up with a "Naming Exception". The code snippet 
inside the business method of stateless session bean is as follows. 

  | try { 
  | // StaffLocalHome is the home interface of CMP entity bean Staff 
  | StaffLocalHome staffHome = StaffUtil.getLocalHome(); 
  | StaffLocal staff = staffHome.findByPrimaryKey(new StaffPK(loginID)); 
  | StaffData staffData = staff.getValueObject(); 
  | .... 
  | catch (NamingException ne) { 
  | returnCode = 1; 
  | } 
  | catch (FinderException fe) { 
  | returnCode = -2; 
  | } 
  | catch (Exception e) { 
  | returnCode = 2; 
  | } 
  | ... 

If I moved the above codes inside the servlet where stateless session bean is 
invoked, no problem of naming exception when looking up CMP entity bean. So, it 
seems that ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml, web.xml and jboss-web.xml are correctly 

Could you advise where the problem is? 

Thank you, 

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