I put el-ri.jar in the WEB-INF/lib, and got the same 
"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/el/ExpressionFactoryImpl".

I then put the el-ri.jar directly in the ear, and added it as a module in 
application.xml, and... it works!  I tested it and it lets me run the 
restricted factory method.  I then changed it from 
@Restrict("#{s:hasRole('admin')}")  to 
@Restrict("#{s:hasRole('thisRoleDoesNotExist')}") , logged in as admin, and 
tried to access that factory, and got:

Authorization check failed for expression [#{s:hasRole('thisRoleDoesNotExst')}]

as I expected.  So this fix seems to work, so far, and lets me keep working on 

I'll be keeping my eyes open for Seam 1.2.2 or whatever, where hopefully this 
dependency will be gone.

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