"aditsu" wrote : Hm.. I'm not sure how it's related, but it sounds very good.

I don't bother protecting/synchronizing the maps in a node when accessed via 
the XXDirect() calls as I assume that any locking happens on a higher level 
(see javadocs on NodeSPI).  So clearly this higher-level sync wasn't working 
and hence the concurrent modification exceptions.  And true enough, a bug in 
the PessimisticLockInterceptor was only acquiring read locks for remove(Fqn, 
Key) calls rather than write locks.

"aditsu" wrote : 
  | I updated again from CVS; it seems to work now and doesn't do MapCopy 
anymore. The performance is still not really great, but it may not be JBC's 
fault. I'll keep profiling.

Performance not great, in relation to 1.4.1?  Or in an absolute sense?  What's 
your setup, how is your cluster configured, do you use cache loaders, eviction?

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