I'm getting started with conversations in a JBoss Seam web service.  I've got a 
basic web service with a method called 'start' that doesn't do anything (yet):

  | @Name("supportCenterService")
  | @WebService(name = "SupportCenter", targetNamespace = 
"http://blah.service";, serviceName = "SupportCenterService")
  | public class SupportCenter implements SupportCenterRemote {
  |   @In(create=true)
  |   AgentConfigurationSource agentConfiguration;
  |   @Logger
  |   Log log;
  |   @WebMethod
  |   public void start() {
  |   }
  | }

I'm calling this web service from an Axis client generated from WSDL2Java:

  public static void start() {
  |     try {
  |       SupportCenter supportCenter = SupportCenterClientFactory.getClient();
  |       supportCenter.start();
  |       SOAPHeaderElement[] headers = ((Stub) 
  |       System.out.println("Headers: " + headers.length);
  |     } catch (Exception e) {
  |       throw new WebServiceClientException(e);
  |     }
  |   }

The getClient method in SupportCenterClientFactory calls setMaintainSession:

  public static SupportCenter getClient() {
  |     try {
  |       URL endpointAddress = new 
  |       SupportCenterServiceLocator serviceLocator = new 
  |       serviceLocator.setMaintainSession(true);
  |       return serviceLocator.getSupportCenterPort(endpointAddress);
  |     } catch (ServiceException e) {
  |       throw new WebServiceClientException(e);
  |     } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
  |       throw new WebServiceClientException(e);
  |     }
  |   }

I have the following in META-INF/standard-jaxws-endpoint-config.xml:

<jaxws-config xmlns="urn:jboss:jaxws-config:2.0" 
  |       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; 
  |       xmlns:javaee="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee";
  |       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:jboss:jaxws-config:2.0 jaxws-config_2_0.xsd">
  |    <endpoint-config>
  |       <config-name>Seam WebService Endpoint</config-name>
  |       <pre-handler-chains>
  |          <javaee:handler-chain>
  |             <javaee:handler>
  |                <javaee:handler-name>SOAP Request 
  |             </javaee:handler>
  |          </javaee:handler-chain>
  |       </pre-handler-chains>
  |    </endpoint-config>
  | </jaxws-config>

So, going back to the client call, should I expect to see a conversation id in 
the response header?  Right now, there are no headers defined in the response:

  public static void start() {
  |     try {
  |       SupportCenter supportCenter = SupportCenterClientFactory.getClient();
  |       supportCenter.start();
  |       SOAPHeaderElement[] headers = ((Stub) 
  |       System.out.println("Headers: " + headers.length); // Result is 0
  |     } catch (Exception e) {
  |       throw new WebServiceClientException(e);
  |     }
  |   } 

Am I misunderstanding something here, or am I missing something?

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