Consider this component

  | @Name("personEditor")
  | @Stateful
  | @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | @Conversational     
  | public class PersonEditorBean implements PersonEditor {
  |    @In
  |    private Person person;
  |    @In
  |    public void setTitle(String title) {
  |        //modify the title
  |        person.setTitle(title);
  |    }

This code will only work when "Person" is injected before "Title".  What I 
think I need to do is to modify the setTitle method to store the value in a 
proxy and invoke another method, post-injection, to handle the modification, 

  |    @In
  |    private Person person;
  |    private String titleProxy;
  |    @In
  |    public void setTitle(String title) {
  |        titleProxy = title;
  |    }
  |    private void updateTitle() {
  |       //modify titleProxy
  |       person.setTitle(titleProxy);
  |    }

For this to work I need a way of invoking the "updateTitle" method after 
injection, i.e. a post-injection hook.  I am sure Seam supports something like 
this, but I'm not finding it.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


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