hi guys 

I have a process definition to test the use of groups, and for that a assign a 
group to task "inserir dados", but when i try to fetch the group list, she's 

Also i debug the code until the hibernate query, i don't know HQL, but i look 
at the conditions, and looked at the tables, and the information is present.

I'm using jbpm 3.2.1 and mysql 5 and jboss 4.0.5


Process definiiton:

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <process-definition
  |   xmlns=""  name="wscall com groups">
  |    <start-state name="inicio">
  |       <transition name="" to="perguntar"></transition>
  |    </start-state>
  |    <node name="ws">
  |       <event type="node-enter">
  |          <action name="wscall" 
  |       </event>
  |       <transition name="" to="confirmar dados"></transition>
  |    </node>
  |    <end-state name="fim"></end-state>
  |    <task-node name="perguntar">
  |       <task name="inserir dados">
  |          <assignment expression="group(sales)"></assignment>
  |          <controller>
  |             <variable name="valor1" access="read,write,required"></variable>
  |             <variable name="valor2" access="read,write,required"></variable>
  |          </controller>
  |       </task>
  |       <transition name="" to="ws"></transition>
  |    </task-node>
  |    <task-node name="confirmar dados">
  |       <task name="confirmar dados">
  |          <assignment expression="user(grover)"></assignment>
  |          <controller>
  |             <variable name="resultado" access="read"></variable>
  |             <variable name="aceitar" 
  |          </controller>
  |       </task>
  |       <transition name="" to="decision1"></transition>
  |    </task-node>
  |    <decision name="decision1">
  |       <transition name="" to="fim">
  |             <condition expression="#{ aceitar == 'sim' }" />
  |       </transition>
  |       <transition name="tr2" to="perguntar">
  |             <condition expression="#{ aceitar != 'sim' }" />
  |       </transition>
  |    </decision>
  | </process-definition>

Hibernate query:

  | <query name="TaskMgmtSession.findPooledTaskInstancesByActorId">
  |     <![CDATA[
  |       select distinct ti
  |       from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.PooledActor pooledActor
  |            join pooledActor.taskInstances ti
  |       where pooledActor.actorId = :swimlaneActorId
  |         and ti.actorId is null
  |         and ti.isSuspended != true
  |         and ti.isOpen = true
  |     ]]>
  |   </query>

Code to get the group tasklist:

  | try {
  |             engine.open();
  |             List result = 
  |             model = new ListDataModel(result);
  |         }
  |         catch (Exception e) {
  |             ...
  |         }
  |         finally {
  |             engine.close();
  |             return model;
  |         }

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