anonymous wrote : Well, actually, it was the custom version of Hibernate, not 
Facelets, that puzzled me. After all, with Hibernate being owned by pretty much 
the same team as Seam itself (well, Gavin is there for sure), any needed custom 
changes could have been as easily incorporated right into a Hibernate release, 
now couldn't have they?

I think its a released version of hibernate repackaged.  Not sure which one, 

anonymous wrote : Now, if I don't use JBoss Embedded (I deploy on Tomcat 
without EJB3 support), do I still need to use the hibernate-all.jar, or can I 
use the latest GA versions of Hibernate, Annotations, EM and such?

No, there is no need to deploy hibernate-all.jar ever with your Seam app (of 
course, if you use JBoss Embedded then you need it, but thats not deploying 
with seam).  You can swap in the latest versions of Hibernate stuff.  You could 
probably do this on JBoss AS as well.

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