
I've been doing a project using Java Studio Creator(JSC) so I'll let you know a 
few of my thoughts and discoveries below.

Firstly, I'm under the impression that Netbeans 6.0 is primarily for Java 6 and 
Jboss Portal works only with 1.4 & 1.5 (or v5). Just a point you should be 
aware of but someone correct me if I'm wrong.  I also believe that the current 
version 5.x doesn't support the same functionality in Portlet design as JSC and 
v6 isn't going to do so for a while hence the preview downloads as it's one of 
the drawbacks of me not moving to it just yet as I like the drag n drop of JSC 
portlet production.

Ok, my experiences of using JSC with Jboss Portal. If you like a challenge then 
it is great fun (ok, my idea of fun!) but you will need to do some background 
work to make it work properly. Its a nice learning curve and quite satisfying 
seeing it work in JBP. The Jboss/JSC Wiki entry is a very good start but I've 
also discovered that if you want to assign portlets to roles/users you will 
need to read the manual and create a file - I'll post something about it 
sometime in the next few days as it saved me a lot of issues and time - 
otherwise, you can just drop a portlet in as per the wiki entry and it will 

FYI: I use Java 1.5.x, JBP 2.4.1, MySql v5.0 and JSC 2 update 1 (full updates) 
for development on Windows XP and a live server running Solaris 10 with the 
same versions of JBP/MySql. They both work almost perfectly (a couple of minor 
issues but nothing major) as long as you added the additional files required by 
Jboss Portal. 

What doesn't work and it is documented (somewhere on the forum) are certain 
components. Something to do with the implementation of Myfaces and the JSC 
version. Most of the "Basic" components work (I have not used all of them as my 
project didn't need to) apart from the "Table" component. 

The BASIC table in JSC gives you a sort by column and this sends out a stream 
of error messages in JBP when it is used. Fortunately, the workaround is to 
just untick the table "sortable" box. That removes the sorting ability and the 
table works fine as does the "first/next" page type of thing you were asking in 
the first post. You can also set the number of rows returned. The major issue 
you will discover about the BASIC table component is that the empty message 
i.e. no results returned/found will also give you an endless stream of error 
data. I worked around it by running a separate SQL query to get a result and 
then allow the page with the table to be shown otherwise redirect it. Not 
exactly elegant but it works. The STANDARD table component does not give this 

Setting it up as Master detail (e.g. as a hyperlink to another page) works fine 
as my project relies heavily on that type of relationship. You can use the 
"Standard" component table but it requires a little more work to get the same 
functionality. You can guess correctly I didn't go down that route ;-)

I have not used EJB nor graphical display yet so cannot comment. I guess the 
only way is to try it and see. There is something about using Jfreegraph (?) on 
the JSC forums but I don't think anyone has tried it with a portlet. Oh and the 
golden rule of using JSC and portlets: SessionBean. Just remember that portlets 
use the session bean not the request bean. 

There is still a lot of JSC functionality I haven't discovered yet but I've 
found that JSC is a good start as an IDE providing you spend the time to learn 
it and are happy to compromise on certain things. Don't expect to jump straight 
in and produce something you want as it will be really frustrating especially 
with portlets and JBP. 

Another thing you should be aware of is using the right database. My original 
choice was the JBP recommendation of Postgresql. This does work with JSC but I 
discovered a problem with Postgresql and JSC (think it was something to do with 
dropdown binding to the database) so I ended up swapping to MySql v5 (which 
obviously works well as I've mentioned above). Tried v4 but unfortunately v4 
doesn't support views which I needed. Would like to have used Apache Derby but 
at the time I couldn't get it to work properly with JBP. Something I'll be 
trying to work on in the near future as ideally I'd want a pure java solution 
for a portal rather than the reliance on an RDMS. 

Finally, I'd also suggest you look into learning Hibernate as one of the pains 
of JSC is database access. Hibernate is the next learning topic for me! I could 
go into more detail but summarising, it was easier to use JDBC in certain 
instances and not the cached rowset. 

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