
I added the Column(name =?id?) annotation before the getId() method of Person 
and Address ejb but I?m getting the same error message about the foreign key 
violation. My Oracle tables have the following fields:

* Person

Name     Type          Nullable Default 
-------- ------------- -------- ------- 
ID             NUMBER                         
NAME           VARCHAR2(80)  Y                
ADDRESSID      NUMBER(10)    Y                
EMAIL          VARCHAR2(80)  Y                
PASSWORD       VARCHAR2(64)  Y                
GENDER         VARCHAR2(20)  Y        NULL
...and some more fields

The field ID is the primary key and ADDRESSID is a foreign key.

* Address

Name     Type          Nullable Default 
-------- ------------- -------- ------- 
ID       NUMBER(10)                     
LINE1    VARCHAR2(255) Y        NULL    
COUNTRY  VARCHAR2(150) Y        NULL    

The field ID is the primary key

I have two entity beans called Person and Address.
The data of the tables is entered using the register.jsp page that uses the 
Register.java class to save the contents to the tables as showed below:

  |     <f:facet name="footer">
  |             <h:panelGroup>
  |             <h:commandButton value="#{msg.submit}" 
  |             action="#{registrationBean.register}" />
  |             <h:commandButton value="#{msg.reset}" type="reset"/>
  |             </h:panelGroup>
  |     </f:facet>

* Register.java:

  |     public String register() throws Exception {
  |             String toReturn = "failure";
  |             if (validateData()) {
  |                     try {
  |                             // save locale information, in case the user 
chose a language on the welcome page
  |                             Locale locale = 
  |                             person.setLocaleCountry(locale.getCountry());
  |                             person.setLocaleLanguage(locale.getLanguage());
  |                             Context context = new InitialContext();
  |                             EntityFacade entities = (EntityFacade) 
  |                             person = entities.createPerson(person);
  |                             toReturn = "success";
  |                     } 
  |                     catch (PersonEntityExistsException exist) {
  |                             MessageFactory msg = new MessageFactory();
  |                             FacesContext ctx = 
  |                             ctx.addMessage("registerForm:email", 
  |                                             new 
msg.getMessage("errorEmailExists"), null));
  |                     }                                       
  |             }
  |             return toReturn;
  |     }

  | @Stateless
  | public class EntityFacadeBean implements EntityFacade{
  |     @PersistenceContext(unitName="shoestringPU") EntityManager em;
  |     public Person getPerson(String email) {
  |                 Person entity = null;
  |                 try {
  |                   Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Person p 
WHERE p.email = ?1");
  |                   query.setParameter(1, email);
  |                   entity = (Person) query.getSingleResult();
  |                 }
  |                 catch (NoResultException noneFound) {
  |                   // if not found, just return null
  |                 }
  |                 return entity;
  |               }
  |     /**
  |        * Perform last minute validation, then if OK save 
  |        * entities (Person and Address in Person)
  |        * @param toCreate person record to persist
  |        * @return person record just created, with the
  |        *     primary key set to that just insrted.
  |        *  @throws PersonEntityExistsException if email given exists
  |        *  @throws PersonPasswordException if password is < 6 characters long
  |        *  @throws PersonEmailException if email is blank or null
  |        */
  |       public Person createPerson(Person toCreate) 
  |         throws PersonEntityExistsException,  PersonPasswordException,
  |                PersonEmailException {  
  |         String email = toCreate.getEmail();
  |         if (email == null || email.trim().length() == 0) {
  |           throw new PersonEmailException("Length is zero");
  |         }
  |         String password = toCreate.getPassword();
  |         if (password == null || password.length() < 6) {
  |           throw new PersonPasswordException("Length is less than 6");
  |         }
  |         if (getPerson(email) != null) {
  |           throw new PersonEntityExistsException(
  |                       "Person record already exists with an email of " + 
  |                       toCreate.getEmail());
  |         }
  |         em.persist(toCreate);
  |         return toCreate;
  |       }
  |     }

The EntityFacadeBean uses a EntityManager to save the records in the table and 
the annotations in the beans are:

* Person.java

  | @Entity
  | @SequenceGenerator(name = "PERSON_SEQ", sequenceName = "PERSON_SEQ")
  |     @Id
  |     @Column(name="id")
  |     @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "PERSON_SEQ") 
  |     public int getId() {
  |             return id;
  |     }
  |     @ManyToOne(cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
  |     @JoinColumn(name="addressId", 
  |                         referencedColumnName="id")
  |     public Address getAddress() {
  |             return address;
  |     }

* Address.java

  |     @Id
  |     @Column(name="id")      
  |     @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "ADDRESS_SEQ")
  |     public int getId() {
  |             return id;
  |     }

The entity manager is responsible for recording the informations in the 
database, then shouldn?t it be recording the registers in the correct order: 
the Address first and the Person data after that?

Thank you.


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