After reading the Seam reference for 2.0.0.b1 I think I've found some niggles 
(which you're probably well aware of, but I'll raise them anyway ;)

I believe the deployment instructions for mail-ra.rar need revising since the 
file mail-ra.rar is no longer part of JBoss 4.2.x - this is implied when the 
doc states "replacing the default rar with the one distributed with Seam".  To 
resolve, I copied the Seam mail-ra.rar to default/deploy.  Is this still 
correct?  Or should I be removing/replacing any other mail files?

The doc refers the reader to for more information 
on mail-ra.rar. The wiki currently does not have any information on this file.

To a vanilla seam-gen project, the Eclipse build path needs updating to add 
lib/mail.jar and lib/mail-ra.jar (note: JAR and not RAR) - it would be useful 
to get this from the docs rather than having to work it out.

The docs states that "Most seam annotations will work inside a MDB but you 
musn't access the persistence context." - Why is this?  Isn't that quite a 
severe limitation? Can anything be done to get around this?

Some very useful information comes to light in this thread:

Particularly later on when the OP is talking about ports.  I would like to see 
that in the docs.

Finally, the takeaway example needs tweaking before it will build from CVS: the 
build.xml contains an import to ../../build.xml which should be ../build.xml?  
Also the references to jboss-el.jar and jbpm-jpdl.jar in application.xml should 
be relative to lib/.  After these changes the example builds but I just get a 
completely blank page when I run it.  It would be great if this sample used the 
Meldware server.



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