I have working code for a factory that will look up Seam comps using Flex Data 
Services. The code is pretty trivial and is based a lot on the Spring factory. 
FYI the issue isn't so much looking up the comps from the Factory. It is more 
getting it integrated with the conversation model of seam as well as the JSF 
life cycle. You have to provide an adapter that will integrate in to the JSF 
life cycle. I have some working code for that as well(it is definitely 
trivial). If you are interested I can post it. I gave up that route for a few 
reasons 1. Price 2. Size the libs added about 20 extra megs for me. 3. Time  I 
needed to get a working prototype up and going and didn't have alot of time to 
figure out how to get the conversation model integrated.

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