So that when you do:

  | public class EventListerAction {
  |     @DataModel(value="eventList", scope=ScopeType.PAGE)
  |     private List<Integer> eventList;
  |     @DataModelSelection("eventList")
  |     private Integer selectedEvent;
  |     @Factory("eventList")
  |     public void initRequestList() {
  |       ...
  |     }
  |     public void selectEvent() {
  |     }    
  | }

That eventList isn't null (it would be unless we did this set).  This seems 
like a reasonable assumption to me (and anyway we can't change this behaviour 
now!). This is the relevant commit:

anonymous wrote : I always thought that @DataModel works pretty much like 
@Factory: Once a datamodel is created it becomes a completly independent, 
fist-class component. The difference is of course that @Factory is called 
automatically and @DataModel is only used if the annotated bean is called.

@DataModel is like @Out with additional logic to "convert" the data from one 
type to another (e.g. List -> DataModel).  However it has an additional bit 
(reinjecting the value when using PAGE scope) - that which we are discussing.

I've committed a fix to CVS, let me know how it works out.

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