
I had the same problem last week, I'd like to call "Cannot cast 
smtptoesb.server.smtpmail to smtptoesb.server.smtpmail". The cause of this was 
rather simple, but I still took many hours not relaxing in front of the TV to 
figure it out.

The problem for me was that Jboss worked with an older version of the class 
than the application itself, trying to cast will throw this problem. Try 
shutting down Jboss, removing all tmp related to this work, cleaning the build 
folder, redeploying it and running it again. 

I realise it's not ideal, rebooting Jboss, I tried doing this @runtime, but 
Jboss locks the tmp-files that need to be deleted, and for some reason, even 
after redeploying in this situation, Jboss kept using the old Pojo class. 

With 'older' version, I mean that even though the class may be exactly the 
same, it was compiled at an earlier time.

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