The @EJB Annotation does more than injection; it also establishes a dependency.

For a JBoss-specific solution, you can also annotate your instance variable 
with @IgnoreDependency like:

  | @IgnoreDependency
  | MyBeanClass myBean;

...which I believe should work, though I've never tried this use case 
specifically.  One thing it won't do is inject "myBean" if "MyBeanClass" is 
deployed *after* your other service - the container won't keep track of what 
injections it should perform if they're deployed at a later time.

Also, your lookups don't necessarily have to point to a JNDI address that 
includes the application name.  JBoss assigns these by default, but you can 
override with ejb-jar.xml or the @RemoteBinding/@LocalBinding annotations.


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