Hi Ronald,

I just found some time to try it out.

"kukeltje" wrote :  
  | I'm  curious though what would happen if you changed 
  | System.out.println("first.node-enter: directly after setting variable: 
instanceof selectitem:"+(test.get(0) instanceof javax.faces.model.SelectItem));
  | to 
  | System.out.println("first.node-enter: directly after setting variable: 
 instanceof javax.faces.model.SelectItem));

It returns true.  Just adding them doesn't persist them, so this has to work.

anonymous wrote : I also wonder is something like this would work or if it 
would throw a classcastexception...
  |   |          public List getItems() {
  |   |                 List elements =  
  |   |                 Iterator i = elements.iterator();
  |   |                 List retVal = new LinkedList();
  |   | 
  |   |                 while(i.hasNext()) {
  |   |                         javax.faces.model.SelectItem element = 
(javax.faces.model.SelectItem) i.next();
  |   |                         javax.faces.model.SelectItem item = new 
  |   |                         retVal.add(item);
  |   |                 }
  |   |                 return retVal;
  | I'll keep thinking/searching/...

That causes a ClassCastExcpetion:

  | 15:24:08,213 WARN  [Script] exception during evaluation of script expression
  | Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``List elements = 
executionContext.getContextInstance().getVariable("selectitems") . . . '' : 
Typed variable declaration : null : at Line: 1 : in file: inline evaluation of: 
``List elements = 
executionContext.getContextInstance().getVariable("selectitems") . . . '' : ( 
javax .faces .model .SelectItem ) i .next ( ) 
  | Target exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: Illegal cast. Cannot cast 
javax.faces.model.SelectItem to javax.faces.model.SelectItem
  |         at bsh.UtilTargetError.toEvalError(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.UtilEvalError.toEvalError(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.BSHCastExpression.eval(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.BSHVariableDeclarator.eval(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.BSHTypedVariableDeclaration.eval(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.BSHBlock.evalBlock(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.BSHBlock.eval(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.BSHBlock.eval(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.BSHWhileStatement.eval(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.Interpreter.eval(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.Interpreter.eval(Unknown Source)
  |         at bsh.Interpreter.eval(Unknown Source)
  |         at org.jbpm.graph.action.Script.eval(Script.java:129)
  |         at org.jbpm.graph.action.Script.eval(Script.java:72)

Very strange. What is  happening  here? I have a workaround (maps) for my proto 
and am thinking about Seam and other solutions, so this is not to urgent for 
But persistence layer being broken will probably cause bad problems along the 



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