I do a wild guess that your problem could be related with mine.

I do have no problem do work with entityHome Objects in the way which is used 
in a semgen generated app.
When i try to initialize an entityHome from a javabean, no luck.
What i am trying to do is this:
  | //@Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | public class GenerateFieldplanBacking {
  | [...]
  |     public void fetchEvaluation(){
  |             log.info("UserEvaluationId : #0",calcEvaluationId());
  |             evaluationHome.setEvaluationEvaluationId(calcEvaluationId());
  | //          Evaluation evaluation = evaluationHome.getInstance();
  | //          log.info("evaluation: #0, ID: 
  |     }
this code is called from this page:
  | <h:form>
  |             <h:commandButton action="#{genFieldplan.fetchEvaluation}" 
id="search" value="Search for Evaluation" />
  | </h:form>
  |     <rich:panel >
  |         <f:facet name="header">Evaluation</f:facet>
  |         <s:decorate id="evaluationId" template="/layout/display.xhtml">
  |             <ui:define name="label">evaluationId</ui:define>
  |             #{evaluationHome.instance.evaluationId}
  |         </s:decorate>
  | [...]
What happens is this:
If no long running conversation is active, after pressing the commandbutton the 
evaluation is shown.

When i start a long-running-conversation(in *.page.xml for the page)
no evaluation is shown after pressing the button.

Is this what you mean?
And for others what do i make wrong? Any hints are welcomed

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