I've got a problem with params defined in pages.xml disappearing. The problem 
can be seen by adding the following button to the search.xhtml page in the seam 
contact list demo : 

  |            <h:commandButton value="Dummy" action="none"/>

If you add this after the search button, open up the seam contact list demo, 
type in a first name, click search, the page refreshes with the params in the 
URL. However, if you click the dummy button, the page refreshes and the params 
disappear. If this page was running under a pageflow, and the dummy button 
invoked an action defined in the pageflow, then the params would be appended on 
to the request url and all would be well.

The problem is that if I have an edit form, that has the widgetId in the URL, 
and I have a button that connects to a method on the backing bean, I will lose 
the widget Id when it is clicked. I could make the button return a string, and 
use a pageflow to call the method in response to the string since pageflows 
seem to work differently. This makes it somewhat hard to create a restful URL 
like myEdit.seam?widgetId=23 when the param is wiped out halfway through, and 
the URL is no longer bookmarkeable.

Is this by design, or should I fill out a jira?

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