
In registration example, when I leave blank all the fields and submit the form, 
following error comes up:

* j_id2:j_id6: Validation Error: Value is required. 
* j_id2:j_id8: Validation Error: Value is required. 
* j_id2:j_id10: Validation Error: Value is required.

What I see from this is, all the messages listed together without clearly 
addressing the fields causing the error. "j_id2:j_id6" does not mean anything 
to the user, I beleive. I found that the messages came from JSF RI's 
Messages.properties file[1]. 

To surpass this, I copied messages_en.properties[2] found in seam-gen/resources 
under to WEB-INF/classes. This time I got following:

* value is required 
* value is required 
* value is required

Well, no "j_id2:j_id6" this time. But, again, there is no clear indication of 
what error message belongs to which field.

I am not satisfied in either case, actually. What I expect is to see label 
names associated with their own messages:

javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED=value is required
registration.form.real_name.label=Real Name

* Username value is required 
* Real Name value is required 
* Password value is required

I also expect Seam to show i18 label names and messages, as well:

javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED=alani zorunludur
registration.form.username.label=Kullanici Adi
registration.form.real_name.label=Gercek Ad

* Kullanici Adi alani zorunludur
* Gercek Ad alani zorunludur
* Sifre alani zorunludur

But, if I wanted to show error messages immediately after the field which is 
the reason of error, "value is required" alone would be enough. Registration 
form in booking example uses this approach.

In conclusion, two questions come into my mind:
- Should I prefer error messages show up nearby the fields as in booking 

- If I choose to show all the messages together, as in registration example, 
does Seam allow me to show i18 label names embedded in the error messages? If 
yes, how?


Ali Sadik Kumlali


[1] JSF RI - Messages.properties 
  javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED={0}: Validation Error: Value is 

Here is the whole file: http://tinyurl.com/23glwk

[2] seam-gen/resources/messages_en.properties
  javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED=value is required.

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