one last thing - 

when i look in the start log i get a warning on the jdbc 

  | 23:46:11,419 WARN  [JDBCPersistenceManager] 
  | JBoss Messaging Warning: DataSource connection transaction isolation should 
be READ_COMMITTED, but it is currently NONE.
  |                          Using an isolation level less strict than 
READ_COMMITTED may lead to data consistency problems.
  |                          Using an isolation level more strict than 
READ_COMMITTED may lead to deadlock.
  | 23:46:11,619 INFO  [ServerPeer] ServerPeer[0] creating server peer with ID 0

not sure where the default config for the AS lives and how to set the config  
to fix - if any one can save hours and knows where to go that would be helpful.

Lastly - given that 4.2.1 does run on java1.6 but v5beta2 does not  - 
does this mean that v5 has gone into the back burner and a new brnch based on 
4.2 will live on - 

or does v5 really become the 'first class' javaEE server from jboss.

It kind of feels as though V5 seemes to have taken the back seat for a while - 
is that a fair asessment?

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