I'm using seam's image class to resize images into thumbnail files... the code 
works perfectly for jpegs and pngs, but gifs seem to get turned into just 
transparent images.  Is there some special treatment of gifs, or is this a bug 
with seam?  Here's a snippet of the relevant code:

import org.jboss.seam.ui.graphicImage.Image;
  | ...
  | InputStream is = ...initialized from fileUpload...
  | Image thumb = new Image();
  | thumb.setInput(is);
  | if (thumb.getWidth() > thumb.getHeight())
  |     thumb.scaleToWidth(MAX_THUMB_SIZE);
  | else
  |     thumb.scaleToHeight(MAX_THUMB_SIZE);
  | File thumbFile = new File(uploadFilePrefix, thumbFilename);
  | files.add(thumbFile);
  | fos = new FileOutputStream(thumbFile);
  | fos.write(thumb.getImage());
  | fos.close();

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