"timfox" wrote : I've just been informed by the remoting team that the 
attributes need "isParam=true" to ensure they're passed to the client side.

Hi Everybody ...

We also got the same exception .We are using JBoss 1.0.1.GA (Prod Environment 
-not possible to upgrade to latest JBM).

There are around 30 machines which are communicating with Central machine thru 
JBoss Messaging. Every machine is working correctly ,but after sometime all 
machines hangs up and the exception i got is given below.....

  | Exception Cause  --> 
 Can not get connection to server.  Problem establishing socket connection for 
locator - InvokerLocator 
  | Exception Cause  --> 
 Can not get connection to server.  Problem establishing socket connection for 
locator - InvokerLocator 
  | Exception Cause  --> 
 Can not get connection to server.  Problem establishing socket connection for 
locator - InvokerLocator 
  | Exception Cause  --> 
 Can not get connection to server.  Problem establishing socket connection for 
locator - InvokerLocator 
  | Exception Cause  --> 
 Can not get connection to server.  Problem establishing socket connection for 
locator - InvokerLocator 
  | Exception Cause  --> 
Can not get connection to server.  Problem establishing socket connection for 
locator - InvokerLocator 
  | Exception Cause  --> 
Can not get connection to server.  Problem establishing socket connection for 
locator - InvokerLocator 
  | Messaging Code Related Exceptions 
  | Exception Occured 
  | Exception Cause   --> javax.jms.IllegalStateException: Can not get 
connection to server.  Problem establishing socket connection for locator - 
  | File   Name                  :      ConnectionForSender.java
  | Class  Name                  :      
  | Method Name                  :      getConnection
  | Line   No                    :      32

To overcome this exception , i will change the setting for numberofretries and 
clientmaxpoolsize. In addtion to that there are some config details available 
in the specified quote attached with this message.

Tim , can you kindly tell me where this configuration changes needs to be done 
(file name and correct place)

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