I am trying to create an Audit record using Hibernate Interceptors, but I'm 
having trouble figuring out how to configure it within Seam.

In order to get the userId into the Audit record, I need to create a new 
Interceptor per Session, passing in the userId via the Interceptor's 
constructor. According to Hibernate, the way to do this is to use 
SessionFactory.openSession(Interceptor interceptor). The only place in Seam 
where SessionFactory.openSession() is in 
com.jboss.seam.core.ManagedHibernateSession, but it doesn't pass in any 
parameters at all.

Furthermore, ManagedHibernateSession only seems to come into play if your 
project declares your DB in components.xml as a simple class (see 
examples\hibernate\resources\WEB-INF\components.xml), whereas we are using 
core:managed-persistence-context to declare an EntityManager.

So, how do I get a Hibernate Interceptor (that requires a userId in the 
constructor) configured within Seam? OR, is it possible to configure the class 
WITHOUT passing userId in the constructor, but having the userId INJECTED into 
the Hibernate Interceptor?

UserID is key. It just isn't a REAL Audit without knowing WHO.

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