There is some confusion (at least, I perceive there to be) over the purpose of 
the two source directories in the structure of projects created by seam-gen and 
how they relate to XML component configuration (via components.xml).

The two source directories are:


The names are slightly misleading. Here is an overview.

The model directory is treated as static. This means that once the application 
gets going, component definitions from the resulting classpath entry 
(WEB-INF/classes) remain in tact throughout the application's lifetime. (Read 
as: they are not hot redeployed).

The action directory is treated as dynamic. This means that if a change is 
detected in the classpath entry (a new version of a class appears in 
WEB-INF/dev), all the component definitions that originated from that directory 
are removed and it is rescanned for components. (Read as: they are hot 

The hot redeployable directory is an isolated, URL classloader. No classes or 
other classloaders can see these classes. That means that you cannot put a 
class in this directory and then define it as a component using XML in 
components.xml because the classloader that processes those definitions cannot 
see the classes in the hot redeployable directory.

I now arrive at my point, a call for change. I feel that "model" and "action" 
names are ill-suited for their purpose. Here is my proposal:

model -> static
action -> dynamic

other options include:

model -> standard
action -> dynamic or hot

model -> main
action -> redeployable

This change would affect projects created by seam-gen.

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