I have derived my own dialect class from Hibernate's InformixDialect class in 
order to register two missing mappings (see Thomas Much's Weblog for details: 
http://www.snailshell.de/blog/archives/cat_java.html).  However, JBoss is 
giving me the following error when I deploy my application's EAR file:

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: 
Dialect class not found: org.hibernate.dialect.Informix10Dialect

I have tried putting this new dialect class in several places with no success.  
I have added it to my EAR's lib folder, I have created a separate JAR with just 
this new class in it and placed it in JBoss's server/default/lib folder, and I 
have added it to JBoss's hibernate3.jar file in the server/default/lib folder.  
None of these resolve the problem of JBoss not being able to find my derived 
dialect class.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

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