Does someone know how can I applay an advice to a web service jbossws?

I have the file:

ServiceAOPAspect.class in the package service

The file
ServiceAOP.class in the package service
XMLReader.class in the package xml
XMLWriter.class in the package xml

I know how I can deploy the web service without the aspect (I create a jar file 
with an empty direcotry META-INF, a directory WEB-INF that contains the file 
web.xml and the directory classes that contains the packages with the class 

Now I want applay the aspect definided in the ServiceAOPAspect.class to an 
operation of the web service ServiceAOP.
Where must I put the file ServiceAOPAspect.class and the jboss-aop.xml files?
In the war archive? If yes how must I compose this archive? In what directory 
must I put these 2 files?

Please help me I need that jboss AOP run correctly.
Thanks, bye bye.

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