"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : The programmer would make the navigation link he 
clicks propagation="none"
Hi Pete,

Thank you very much for your replies on my several Conversation discussion 
post. Could you please give me a details instruction in the following codes 
which I modified from the booking example? I changed the HotelSearch bean from 
Session to Conversation. Thank you so much in advance.
  | @Name("hotelSearch")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | @Restrict("#{identity.loggedIn}")
  | public class HotelSearchingAction implements HotelSearching {
  |     ...
  |    @Begin
  |    public void find() {
  |       page = 0;
  |       queryHotels();
  |    }
  |    @Begin(join=true)
  |    public void nextPage() {
  |       page++;
  |       queryHotels();
  |    }
  |    @Begin(join=true)
  |    public void previousPage() {
  |       page--;
  |       queryHotels();
  |    }
  |    private void queryHotels() {
  |     ...
  |    }
  |    @Remove
  |    public void destroy() {}
  | }
  | @Name("hotelBooking")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | @Restrict("#{identity.loggedIn}")
  | public class HotelBookingAction implements HotelBooking {
  |    @Begin
  |    public void selectHotel(Hotel selectedHotel) {
  |      ...
  |    }
  |    public void bookHotel() {
  |      ...
  |    }
  |    public void setBookingDetails() {
  |       ...
  |    }
  |    @End
  |    public void confirm() {
  |       ...
  |    }
  |    @End
  |    public void cancel() {}
  |    @Remove
  |    public void destroy() {}
  | }
and main.xhtml<h:selectInputText id="searchString" />
  | <h:commandButton id="findHotels" value="Find Hotels" 
action="#{hotelSearch.find}" />
  | <h:dataTable id="hotels" value="#{hotels}" var="hot" >
  |     ...
  |     <h:column>
  |             <f:facet name="header">Action</f:facet>
  |             <ice:commandLink id="viewHotel" value="View Hotel" 
  |     </h:column>
  | </h:dataTable>
  | <h:commandLink value="Next Page" action="#{hotelSearch.nextPage}"/>
  | <h:commandLink value="Previous Page" action="#{hotelSearch.previousPage}"/>

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