I'm not sure why it doesn't appear to work or if I am doing something 

Here is basically what I have.

  | <rich:column>
  |    <c:choose>
  |       <c:when test="${sop.isRequired}"> 
  |          <h:outputText value="#{sop.name}" style="color:#ff0000" /> 
  |       </c:when>
  |       <c:otherwise>
  |          <h:outputText value="#{sop.name}" /> 
  |       </c:otherwise>
  |    </c:choose>
  | </rich:column>

With this I never see the style applied and just the standard text output.

If I change:

  | <c:when test="${sop.isRequired}"> 
  | to
  | <c:when test="${true}"> 

The style is applied. I know that the values are correct for the isRequired 
field since when I just ouput the value such as:

  | <h:outputText value="#{sop.isRequired}" style="color:#ff0000" />
I will see the mix of true and false values rendered.

Thanks, S.D.

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