I am attempting to reverse engineer a database with seam-gen/generate-entities. 
 Everything is built correctly.  But the isDefined() method in the generated 
TransectHome class incorrectly applies a Strings.isEmpty() method (the objects 
are not always Strings).  Is this a bug?

Generated Pojo

  | @Table(name = "transect", schema = "public")
  | public class Transect implements java.io.Serializable {
  |     private TransectId id;
  |     public Transect() {
  |     }
  |     public Transect(TransectId id) {
  |             this.id = id;
  |     }
  |     @EmbeddedId
  |     @AttributeOverrides({
  |                     @AttributeOverride(name = "pkTransect", column = 
@Column(name = "pk_transect", nullable = false)),
  |                     @AttributeOverride(name = "transectId", column = 
@Column(name = "transect_id")),
  |                     @AttributeOverride(name = "transectName", column = 
@Column(name = "transect_name")),
  |                     @AttributeOverride(name = "groupedData", column = 
@Column(name = "grouped_data")),
  |                     @AttributeOverride(name = "plots", column = 
@Column(name = "plots"))})
  |     @NotNull
  |     public TransectId getId() {
  |             return this.id;
  |     }
  |     public void setId(TransectId id) {
  |             this.id = id;
  |     }
  | }

Generated Id Class

  | public class TransectId implements java.io.Serializable {
  |     private int pkTransect;
  |     private Integer transectId;
  |     private String transectName;
  |     private Integer groupedData;
  |     private String plots;
  |     public TransectId() {
  |     }
  |     public TransectId(int pkTransect) {
  |             this.pkTransect = pkTransect;
  |     }
  |     public TransectId(int pkTransect, Integer transectId, String 
  |                     Integer groupedData, String plots) {
  |             this.pkTransect = pkTransect;
  |             this.transectId = transectId;
  |             this.transectName = transectName;
  |             this.groupedData = groupedData;
  |             this.plots = plots;
  |     }
  |     @Column(name = "pk_transect", nullable = false)
  |     @NotNull
  |     public int getPkTransect() {
  |             return this.pkTransect;
  |     }
  |     public void setPkTransect(int pkTransect) {
  |             this.pkTransect = pkTransect;
  |     }
  |     @Column(name = "transect_id")
  |     public Integer getTransectId() {
  |             return this.transectId;
  |     }
  |     public void setTransectId(Integer transectId) {
  |             this.transectId = transectId;
  |     }
  |     @Column(name = "transect_name")
  |     public String getTransectName() {
  |             return this.transectName;
  |     }
  |     public void setTransectName(String transectName) {
  |             this.transectName = transectName;
  |     }
  |     @Column(name = "grouped_data")
  |     public Integer getGroupedData() {
  |             return this.groupedData;
  |     }
  |     public void setGroupedData(Integer groupedData) {
  |             this.groupedData = groupedData;
  |     }
  |     @Column(name = "plots")
  |     public String getPlots() {
  |             return this.plots;
  |     }
  |     public void setPlots(String plots) {
  |             this.plots = plots;
  |     }
  |     public boolean equals(Object other) {
  |             if ((this == other))
  |                     return true;
  |             if ((other == null))
  |                     return false;
  |             if (!(other instanceof TransectId))
  |                     return false;
  |             TransectId castOther = (TransectId) other;
  |             return (this.getPkTransect() == castOther.getPkTransect())
  |                             && ((this.getTransectId() == 
castOther.getTransectId()) || (this
  |                                             .getTransectId() != null
  |                                             && castOther.getTransectId() != 
null && this
  |                             && ((this.getTransectName() == 
castOther.getTransectName()) || (this
  |                                             .getTransectName() != null
  |                                             && castOther.getTransectName() 
!= null && this
  |                             && ((this.getGroupedData() == 
castOther.getGroupedData()) || (this
  |                                             .getGroupedData() != null
  |                                             && castOther.getGroupedData() 
!= null && this
  |                             && ((this.getPlots() == castOther.getPlots()) 
|| (this
  |                                             .getPlots() != null
  |                                             && castOther.getPlots() != null 
&& this.getPlots()
  |                                             .equals(castOther.getPlots())));
  |     }
  |     public int hashCode() {
  |             int result = 17;
  |             result = 37 * result + this.getPkTransect();
  |             result = 37
  |                             * result
  |                             + (getTransectId() == null ? 0 : 
  |                                             .hashCode());
  |             result = 37
  |                             * result
  |                             + (getTransectName() == null ? 0 : 
  |                                             .hashCode());
  |             result = 37
  |                             * result
  |                             + (getGroupedData() == null ? 0 : 
  |                                             .hashCode());
  |             result = 37 * result
  |                             + (getPlots() == null ? 0 : 
  |             return result;
  |     }
  | }

Generated Action Class

  | public class TransectHome extends EntityHome<Transect> {
  |     public void setTransectId(TransectId id) {
  |             setId(id);
  |     }
  |     public TransectId getTransectId() {
  |             return (TransectId) getId();
  |     }
  |     public TransectHome() {
  |             setTransectId(new TransectId());
  |     }
  |     @Override
  |     public boolean isIdDefined() {
  |             if (getTransectId().getPkTransect() == 0)
  |                     return false;
  |             if (Strings.isEmpty(getTransectId().getTransectId()))
  |                     return false;
  |             if (Strings.isEmpty(getTransectId().getTransectName()))
  |                     return false;
  |             if (Strings.isEmpty(getTransectId().getGroupedData()))
  |                     return false;
  |             if (Strings.isEmpty(getTransectId().getPlots()))
  |                     return false;
  |             return true;
  |     }
  |     @Override
  |     protected Transect createInstance() {
  |             Transect transect = new Transect();
  |             transect.setId(new TransectId());
  |             return transect;
  |     }
  |     public void wire() {
  |     }
  |     public boolean isWired() {
  |             return true;
  |     }
  |     public Transect getDefinedInstance() {
  |             return isIdDefined() ? getInstance() : null;
  |     }
  | }

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