
Thanks for the link, I'll check it out to see if adding this detection logic 
avoids the issue.  However, I still think that I shouldn't have to check to 
make sure the server is totally up before I can connect to it.  

For example, assume my clients are running happily.  I then decide to bounce my 
server for some reason (or perhaps my server goes down and needs to be 
restarted).  My clients are unaware of the bounce, and just try to connect to 
the server as normal when they are done with their calculations (they connect 
using a remote JNDI lookup).  Due to the issue I am seeing, the lookup will be 
successful, but their first method call on the bean will fail because JBoss has 
not bound the jdbc entry to my bean yet.

Right now I just handle the error on the server and client side and have the 
client try again later when JBoss has completed deploying my bean.  I can 
certainly add logic to check to make sure the server is up before my clients 
connect (every time they try to connect), but it really seems like JBoss should 
not allow remote connections to beans that are not fully deployed.  I would 
rather have the remote lookup fail due to an incomplete deployment of the bean 
than have it succeed with a bean that isn't completely deployed.

I have already handled the issue, so I suppose I'm more talking ideology here, 
but this doesn't seem to be proper behavior.  I don't think that clients should 
be able to remotely lookup incompletely deployed beans.

Anyone else agree, or is this behavior part of the EJB Spec and just needs to 
be handled?

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