"axismundi" wrote : But the result of the endeavor is just as before. Not 
surprisingly I can pick up the proxy (local IF) from the session in my 
ImageServlet successfully.
  | But once I try to access a method, at the first time Seam is complaining 
like this:
  | Caused by: org.jboss.seam.RequiredException: @In attribute requires 
non-null value: shopTree.applicationUser
  |   | 

I can't speak to the failure of the @In injection; I'm not too familiar with 
Seam.  You might bring this up in the Seam User's Forum.

"axismundi" wrote : At the second request to the ImageServlet, I am getting
  |  javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: Could not find stateful bean: 
  | My only explanation is that JBoss' JNDI-implementation delivers a 
serialized  instance (copy) of the original instance that is available in the 
EJB-container. However, AFAIK, this would not fit with the JBoss' 
specification, which says that JNDI-lookups for local IF's (in the same VM) 
result in a reference to the instance, not in a serialized copy.

More accurately, local calls are still passed through a Proxy (which is what 
you obtain from JNDI) which will directly invoke based on reference.  There are 
conditions, however, based upon the type of Exception thrown and the 
transactional context of the method you're invoking, where the EJB3 spec 
dictates that the instance must be discarded.  In this case, you'll receive the 
Exception from Seam, the SFSB instance would be discarded, and then you'd 
invoke on the same Proxy referencing the discarded instance and receive the 
error message above.  EJB3 Core Spec 14.3.1 Table 14.

Maybe try losing the @In annotation and slimming things down to tackle this one 
problem at a time?  If you can get past the Seam exception and make subsequent 
invocations on the proper SFSB (whose stub you store in the HttpSession), then 
that'll give us some indication we're on the right track.


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