"dmitriy.lapko" wrote : 1) If Seam is not bounded to JSF, why SeamTest should 
be bounded to JSF Phases? I just not really like for testing purposes use all 
these FacesRequest multiple implemnetations just to call a method of the 
component... And this doesn't add flexibility to my tests - e.g. if I want to 
pass any value from one call of FacesRequest to other I have to create a global 
field in class.

Have you tried using ComponentTest instead? This doesn't emulate the JSF 

anonymous wrote : 2) If I use facinating Seam-features like EL in QL, I cannot 
unit test my application - I need all framework to be started to enable all 
these Interceptors for my code. What a pity... 

Do you have this working now (I got a bit lost in your posts ;)?

anonymous wrote : 3) If you would like to prepare some test data before 
executing FacesRequest or to check what was really done in database - you 
cannot use current configuration of database and have to add your own to make 
queries. Annoying...

The DBUnit SeamTest is perfect for this (see the Seamdiscs example).

anonymous wrote : Because of complexity of configuration of tests and of using 
them (to write integrational test you have to know Seam like half as Gavin 
knows it...) they are just unusable for normal team member. I'm sure that 
SeamTest using should be simplified, now it is too complex.

I know what you mean. However I don't see how we can make it simpler (yes, we 
can improve the library setup, but not the structure of the Test harness 
afaics). Have you got specific ideas to share? :)

anonymous wrote : 1) I have two consecutive FacesRequest calls to methods, 
first of which should start long running conversation and second should end it. 
First marked by @Begin and second - by @End annotations. 

You have to manually pass the conversation id around. Please file a JIRA issue 
to improve the docs for this - its not currently good!

anonymous wrote : 2) I run my unit tests inside the deployed and started 
application. I want to do it also with SeamTests. But disabling of starting 
embedd ejb container didn't help - anyway a new SeamPhaseListener is started 
and all other stuff which breaks the application inside which everything was 

Don't understand this...

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