Hi all 

anonymous wrote : 
  | Make sure you have a seam.properties file in your classes directory. 
  | Are all other SEAM operations working? 

Yes, seam.properties is rigth and other Seam stuff work well, i'm sure of this.

anonymous wrote : 
  | @Factory will be called when you call it from a page (or wherever) and Seam 
will place the value into the context variable so that it isn't called again 
for the life of the context. 
This is exactly my idea, that's whay i don't understand whay my code is not 
executing the @Factory annotated method.

this is the jsf page that is calling a variable which is refrenced by the 
@Factory, the variable is "tipoAcusadoList":

anonymous wrote : 
  | <f:subview id="kk" >        
  | <h:form id="turnarExpForm">                 
  |     <h:outputLabel value="Esta es la pagina de Registro" />
  |     <h:panelGrid columns="2" border="2" >
  |          <h:outputLabel value="Número de Expediente"/>
  |          <h:inputText value="#{expediente.nroExpediente}" 
  |          <h:outputLabel value="Tipo de acusado"/>
  |          <h:selectOneMenu 
  |             <f:selectItems 
  |          </h:selectOneMenu>
  |          <h:outputLabel  value="Fecha de turnado" rendered=""/>
  |          <h:inputText value="#{expediente.fechaTurnado}" 
id="lblFechaTurnado" rendered=""/>
  |     </h:panelGrid>
  |     <a4j:commandButton 
action="#{expedienteFacadeStateless.turnarExpediente}" value="Ir a ...." />
  | </h:form>
  | </f:subview>

This is my stateless session bean:
anonymous wrote : 
  | package com.facade.impl;
  | import java.util.List;
  | import javax.ejb.Stateless;
  | import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
  | import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
  | import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
  | import javax.persistence.Query;
  | import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Factory;
  | import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In;
  | import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
  | import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Out;
  | import org.jboss.seam.core.PersistenceContexts;
  | import com.domain.Expediente;
  | import com.domain.nomenclador.NTipoAcusado;
  | import com.facade.ExpedienteFacadeStateless;
  | @Stateless
  | @Name("expedienteFacadeStateless")
  | public class ExpedienteFacadeStatelessImpl implements 
ExpedienteFacadeStateless {
  |     @In @Out
  |     private Expediente expediente;
  |     @PersistenceContext
  |     private EntityManager em;
  |     private SelectItem[] tipoAcusadoList;
  |     private NTipoAcusado tipoAcusadoSelected;
  |     @Factory("tipoAcusadoList")
  |     public void loadTipoAcusadoList()
  |     {
  |             Query query = em.createQuery("Select f from NTipoAcusado f");
  |             List tempList = query.getResultList();
  |             int size = tempList.size();
  |             tipoAcusadoList = new SelectItem[size];
  |             for (int i=0;i<size;i++)
  |                     tipoAcusadoList = new 
  |     }
  |     public EntityManager getEm() {
  |             return em;
  |     }
  |     public void setEm(EntityManager em) {
  |             this.em = em;
  |     }
  |     public Expediente getExpediente() {
  |             return expediente;
  |     }
  |     public void setExpediente(Expediente expediente) {
  |             this.expediente = expediente;
  |     }
  |     public String turnarExpediente(Expediente Exp) {
  |             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  |             return null;
  |     }
  |     public SelectItem[] getTipoAcusadoList() {
  |             return tipoAcusadoList;
  |     }
  |     public void setTipoAcusadoList(SelectItem[] tipoAcusadoList) {
  |             this.tipoAcusadoList = tipoAcusadoList;
  |     }
  |     public NTipoAcusado getTipoAcusadoSelected() {
  |             return tipoAcusadoSelected;
  |     }
  |     public void setTipoAcusadoSelected(NTipoAcusado tipoAcusadoSelected) {
  |             this.tipoAcusadoSelected = tipoAcusadoSelected;
  |     }
  | }

and this is the interface:
anonymous wrote : 
  | package com.facade;
  | import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
  | import com.domain.Expediente;
  | import com.domain.nomenclador.NTipoAcusado;
  | public interface ExpedienteFacadeStateless {
  |     public String turnarExpediente(Expediente Exp);
  |     public SelectItem[] getTipoAcusadoList();
  |     public NTipoAcusado getTipoAcusadoSelected();
  |     public void loadTipoAcusadoList();
  | }

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