"jhalliday" wrote : Fair enough. So I can't do much of my setup in the service 
constructor, as I don't have the information yet at that time. I need to do the 
work in the start method instead. That's actually less effort for me, as it's 
how things currently work.
btw: what's stopping you from using MC beans instead of mbeans, if you're 
already migrating

"jhalliday" wrote : 
  | The problem with that is: many other services depend on the transaction 
manager. As far as I can tell, under the old pre-MC semantics, depends meant 
'ensure the other service has started'. As a result, work the transaction 
manager does in the start method would be finished before anything that depends 
on it was executed. Under MC, depends seems to mean 'ensure the service I 
depend on has reached at least the same point in the lifecycle as the one I'm 
transitioning to' by default.
Previous depend was/is like this:
A depends on B --> B created, then A could be created, B started, A could start
And this is still the same:
>From ServiceDependencyMetaData

  |       visitor.addDependency(new LifecycleDependencyItem(name, other, 
  |       visitor.addDependency(new LifecycleDependencyItem(name, other, 
>From MC's AbstractDependencyMetaData

  |       DependencyItem item = new LifecycleDependencyItem(context.getName(), 
  |       visitor.addDependency(item);
  |       item = new LifecycleDependencyItem(context.getName(), 
  |       visitor.addDependency(item);

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