"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : This is the JSF lifecycle, it is "needed". You 
could work around this by putting the query into a longer scope than 
request/event. This "problem" occurs in normal queries too.
  | We should probably merge the lazy loading code from seamdiscs into a seam 
module and build one for richfaces.

        <framework:entity-query name="discs" ejbql="select disc from Disc disc" 
scope="CONVERSATION" order="disc.name ASC" max-results="5"/>

<persistence:managed-persistence-context name="entityManager"
                auto-create="true" scope="CONVERSATION"
persistence-unit-jndi-name="java:/seamdiscsEntityManagerFactory" />

longer scope does not work for Query component.....it's DataModel handling 
makes it not possible

may be i do something wrong so can you point me exactly what should i do to fix 
the "problem". I think 3 counts + 2 selects is not for real applications but 
for showcases only 

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