Title: RE: [JBoss-user] JAAS Based Security in JBoss

Your client should always use <JBoss_home>/client/auth.conf, the other one is to configure the SecurityManager Container.  Again if you run Tomcat in standalone everything works fine.

            <container-name>Standard Stateless SessionBean</container-name>

other {
        org.jboss.security.plugins.samples.JaasServerLoginModule required;

-----Original Message-----
From: danch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] JAAS Based Security in JBoss

I assume that you're calling from a stand-alone client? Did you point
that client at the auth.conf in the <JBoss_home>/client directory, or
the one in conf/default? The client needs to read the auth.conf from the
client directory in order to Do the Right Thing.


thierry birre wrote:

> hi jboss-users

> i'm using the last 2.1 version of jboss with embedded tomcat on windows
> 2000.

> i read the page of the new manual :
> http://www.jboss.org/documentation/HTML/ch09s32.html

> after configuring all files :
> jboss.jcml, standardjboss.xml, auth.conf, roles.properties and
> users.properties
> all the deployment phase is ok.

> but when i run the SessionClient i have a remote exception :

> _on the client window :_
> Created LoginContext
> [JAASSecurity] User 'scott' authenticated.
> Found StatelessSessionHome
> java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread;
> nested exception is:
>         java.rmi.RemoteException: checkSecurityAssociation; nested
> exception is:
>         java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication exception
> java.rmi.RemoteException: checkSecurityAssociation; nested exception is:
>         java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication exception
> java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication exception
>         at
> sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(Unknown
> Source)
>         at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(Unknown Source)
>         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(Unknown Source)
>         at
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jrmp.server.JRMPContainerInvoker_Stub.invokeHome(Unknown
> Source)
>         at
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jrmp.interfaces.HomeProxy.invoke(HomeProxy.java:248)
>         at $Proxy0.create(Unknown Source)
>         at SessionClient.main(SessionClient.java:78)

> _on the server window :_
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Deploy J2EE application:
> file:/C:/java/platform/dist/deploy/ssbean.jar
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Create application ssbean.jar
> [J2EE Deployer Default] install module ssbean.jar
> [Container factory]
> Deploying:file:/C:/java/platform/dist/tmp/deploy/Default/ssbean.jar
> [Verifier] Verifying
> file:/C:/java/platform/dist/tmp/deploy/Default/ssbean.jar/ejb1002.jar
> [Container factory] Deploying StatelessSession
> [Container factory] lookup securityManager name: java:/jaas/other
> [Container factory] JAAS.Created
> securityMgr=org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManager@2696c2
> [Container factory] JAAS.setCachePolicy, c=null
> [Container factory] JAAS.Added session-roles,
> org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManager@2696c2
> to map
> [Container factory] Deploying StatefulSession
> [Container factory] lookup securityManager name: java:/jaas/other
> [Container factory] Deployed application:
> file:/C:/java/platform/dist/tmp/deploy/Default/ssbean.jar
> [J2EE Deployer Default] J2EE application:
> file:/C:/java/platform/dist/deploy/ssbean.jar is deployed.

> [Auto deploy] Started
> [JMX RMI Adaptor] Starting
> [JMX RMI Adaptor] Started
> [JMX RMI Connector] Starting
> [JMX RMI Connector] Started
> [Service Control] Started 18 services
> [Default] JBoss PRE-2.1 Started in 0m:14s
> [StatelessSession] Authentication exception, principal=null

> i have looked for a solution in archives, but i can't find one !

> is it an error of configuration or classpath error or context error ?

> any help is welcome.

> thierry

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