I am stumped by a serious newbie dilemma.
Im trying to code my first EJB's and deploy them on JBOSS. All i really want to do is to be able to see how EJB's work and get the hang of it. So, i started coding the tutorials in the manuals and on the web.
In the JBOSS manual example, when i compile the interest classes, the compile fine. I can also make the JAR file and deploy it in JBOSS. the server sends out msgs saying its deployed.
however, when i try compiling the clients, i use this command.
javac -classpath /usr/local/jboss/client/ejb.jar:.InterestClient.java
javac -classpath /usr/local/jboss/lib/ext/ejb.jar:.InterestClient.java
NOtHING happens! no class file is output and no error is given
When i use this command:
javac -classpath /usr/local/jboss/client/ejb.jar  InterestClient.java
I get errors stating the the package com.webtomorrow.interest could not be imported
I have trid verious combinations of the javac command and JAR files, classpaths, but i cannot get the client file to compile.
I am on Linux redhat 7.0 and have installed the latest versions of JDK and J2EE. could someone PLEASE tell me whats happening and where should i be looking to fix the error? Many thanks.

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