>No it's time to get together with our project. So we try to share one 
>mySQL database on a project-partners localhost. He provides the 
>mySQL-Server and holds all Data needed. With some DataBase Visualizer I 
>get remote access via LAN and can access the Database. Our servers name is 
>"ist-dresden.de" and his hosts name is "Deimos". With the following URL I 
>got access with that Vis-Tool:
> >
> > jdbc:mysql://Deimos.ist-dresden.de/webdata
> >
> > (ist-dresden.de is not neccessary but looks cool  :-))  )
> >
> > If I add this URL to my mBean (with same UserID and password!!) jBoss 
> stopps when binding my Pool to it's Name.

> > What went wrong?

It may be a MySQL permissions thing. Check the MySQL logs and see if it's 
denying permission because of missing entries in the mysql/host table. 
Sometimes, I find that MySQL requires both a domain name and an IP address 
in that table, but I haven't figured out when or why.

-- Ken Jenks, http://abiblion.com/

    Tools for reading.

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