|-----Original Message-----
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Jencks
|Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 9:24 PM
|Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] easy to implement Informix Support ???
|Have you tried using the JCA jbosscx framework with the blackboxDS example
|adapter?  I'm not quite sure but I think all the configuration of this
|stuff is not hard coded but works from properties in the pool
|configuration.  Right now its a bit unpleasant in that you have to start
|the ds by hand every time you start jboss...but this will probably be fixed

nothing prevents you from calling the MBeanServer or the configuration
service for that matter and passing it the relevant <mbean>xml stuff,  heck
I bet you could do it from the web.


|David Jencks
|On 2001.04.10 05:51:39 -0400 "Schneider, Joerg (Zentrale Frankfurt)" wrote:
|> Hello everybody,
|> after reading all the messages in this mailing-list regarding support of
|> Informix databases, i've the impression, that supporting this database
|> should be easy and could be done with small efforts.
|> First of all, i want to state what is working (in my opinion) by now
|> (jboss
|> 2.1) :
|>      Establishing connections, if the minerva-class XADataSourceImpl
|> is
|> used.
|>      Database operations, if transaction and persistent type is bean
|> Second, here's what is not working (in my opinion) by now (jboss 2.1) :
|>      If the IfxXADataSource class is used, an exception is thrown
|> while
|> starting jboss with message "wrong argument" (please review older
|> messages
|> in this mailing-list describing the exact stack-trace).
|>      If transactions should be handled by the container, an
|> runtime-exception is thrown with message "xares not enlisted".
|> In my opinion, the informix-jdbc driver 2.20JC1 (type 4, XA implemented)
|> works fine, except it is missing the methods "setURL" and
|> "setProperties",
|> which are used by jboss to configure the XADataResource.
|> According to previously sent mail's, the way to configure a XADataSource
|> is
|> not part of any specifications, so any vendor can implement whatever
|> methods
|> he wants to do configuration. The informix jdbc-driver offers a lot of
|> methods to use for config issues (setUser, setPassword, setProperties,
|> setDatabase) and is well documented to.
|> So, a slight change of the jboss config-procedure could make this
|> database
|> easily available :-).
|> For developing and testing purposes, one can obtain all informix-products
|> for all platforms from "www.informix.com/evaluate/ after registering
|> free-of-charge for a limited period of time.
|> If anyone has successfully configured an informix database-environment
|> (which means, i'm wrong with all my conclusions) with jboss 2.1, please
|> let
|> me know.
|> Otherwise, i would suggest to enhance jboss the way i mentioned above
|> (this
|> is far more easy for a active member of the development community, as it
|> is
|> for me, isn't it ?).
|> Kind regards
|> Joerg Schneider
|> Voice:       +49 (69) 263 - 7918
|> Fax:         +49 (69) 263 - 11877
|> E-Mail:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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