
I'm starting developing / deploying with jboss and would like to pick the brains 
of more experienced jboss users about how to work more efficiently.

Debug -
I'm using jswat (open source debugger) connecting remotely to jboss to debug 
servlet / ejb code.  This is proving too slow to be practical.  I'm using 
embedded tomcat as the web container and I'm starting the jboss with these flags:
java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n org.jboss.Main

Is this the most optimal way to debug code? Would different configurations be 
faster (tomcat in different VM?).  Is the debug slow because I'm using jswat - 
are there other free / open debug tools you'd reccomend?

Deployment -
This is a bit of a strange one, whenever I make any changes to code, rebuild and 
redeploy (ear file), the code changes only seem to take effect when I rebuild 
and redeploy a second time.  Any possible reason for this happening or am I just 
imagining it / messing up deployment somehow?

Is it possible to redeploy individual components of an application (ejb jar, war 
etc) so to not have to do the whole build / deploy process for the ear file?


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