I'm reposting this 'cause I got no response.  Please somebody, help (see
original messages below).  I will be using this for a b2c site for a major
wine retailer and will be happy to share it as a success story for jboss if
I can get it working.  I'm sure other folks have used the binary
jboss+tomcat succesfully - what am I doing wrong?  Thanks in advance for
any help.

- Todd Chaffee

On 2001.04.14 13:53:19 -0400 Todd Chaffee wrote:
> I installed the latest jboss 2.2 + tomcat binaries and am getting an
> error
> in tomcat when requesting any jsp page:
> [jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed errno = 111
> [jk_ajp12_worker.c (152)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, Error sd = -1d the
> latest jboss + tomcat binaries and am getting a tomcat error
> The error is in the mod_jk.log file.
> I am using tomcat with apache 1.3.12 and was using tomcat just fine
> before
> trying to run it embedded with jboss.  Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Todd Chaffee

On 2001.04.14 14:25:12 -0400 Todd Chaffee wrote:
Additional info:

I can run tomcat + apache from the "jboss tomcat" installation as long as I
run it without jboss.  I modified my classpath to include the necessary
jboss jar files (xml, jboss, tomcat-service, etc) and started tomcat using
the tomcat.sh startup script and it works fine.  So it seems the mod_jk
error has something to do with the way jboss is running / starting.  Once
again, any help is appreciated.

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